Modern cars need far less maintenance than older models, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t invest a little time and effort in ensuring that your vehicle looks its best and performs as well as it can.

Even if you don’t know one end of a silicone hose from another, here are some
top tips on simple car maintenance that won’t take up too much time or effort
but can really pay dividends in the long term.
Engine Oil
You should try to do this at least once a month and more if you notice any sort
of leak or that you are having to add more oil regularly. When you do it, make
sure that your car is on level ground so that your dipstick reading is
accurate, and make sure that you don’t overfill the tank.
Tyre Pressure
This is essential to keep you safe as well as to maintain performance of your
vehicle. Whilst you may not ever be destined for a technical career making
products with a company such as, there is absolutely no
reason why you can’t regularly check your own tyre pressure. Read why this is
so important at

Check the pressure when the tyres are cold, and don’t forget the spare. Make
sure you know what pressure the manufacturer recommends. This is usually
displayed somewhere in your vehicle, or you will find it in your owner’s
You also need to make sure that you inspect your tyres for signs of wear and
tear, such as uneven wear, sidewall bulges, cuts or foreign objects stuck in
This might seem too basic for any sort of guide, but washing your car is really
important. Try to do it at least once a week to maintain its appearance and prevent
dirt build-up.
Oil Changes
Your manufacturer will dictate how often your oil and filter should be changed,
but this is usually after around six months or after you have driven about
7,500 miles. This could go as low as every three months or every 3,000 miles,
however, depending on your vehicle and the type of driving that you do.
Air Filter
At oil-change time, check the air filter by holding it up in strong light. It
will need changing if you can’t see through it.