If you drive a car with any degree of regularity, it is important to understand the fundamentals of quality auto repair. Unfortunately, this is not legally required, so most people never learn these basics. This article is filled with tips that will help you take good care of your vehicle over the years.
Always carry a good emergency kit in the trunk of your car. You should put together a kit that includes the tools you need to change a tire, charge your battery and put more gas in your tank. Should your car break down in the dark, it is helpful to have extra batteries, a flashlight, and some blankets.
Check your radiator often. Simply run the engine a few minutes and then cut the engine and lift the hood. You never want to open up the radiator if your car is still running. Look to see what the fluid level is (use a dipstick), and remember that coolant needs to have a bit of water added prior to entering your radiator.
The best way to find a good auto mechanic is getting referrals. Ask around for recommendations. You can find out great information about price and value that way. You can find out about the experience with a mechanic and if they can be trusted or not.
Go over your owner’s manual and dog ear the most useful pages. When you do have to deal with a mechanic, you can show him the copy of the manual, which can help him. Sometimes you may find things that you can easily fix yourself and do not require a trip to the dealership.
Research any auto repair service station online. This gives you an idea regarding the public’s view of the particular service and lets you know who and where you should avoid. This will help you choose the best shop.
Test your car out after a repair has been done by a mechanic. Make sure it is operating correctly before full payment is made. Many people don’t do this, and the car ends up with the same issues that were supposed to be repaired.
Wiper Blades
You shouldn’t forget about your wiper blades. You may need new blades if they are streaking or making noises. Wiper blades should be replaced at a minimum of once per year, or more than that if you reside in a particularly wet climate.
Check around for a reputable mechanic by asking friends who are happy with their mechanic. If they are experienced and skilled, you can get the same work done at a much cheaper price. You could save a lot of money this way.
Don’t have too many keychains or other items on your key fob. Too many items on your keychain can weigh down your car’s ignition. If your key begins sticking, the tumblers need replacing.
Remember you don’t need to use a mechanic for car problems. There are great techs everywhere whether there’s a great shop 10 minutes from your house or whether you decide to go to the dealer further away. Whoever makes you feel most comfortable is the person who should be doing the car repairs.
Transmission Fluid
Lookout for claims that are too good to be true. This is usually a ploy to get more money from you. A good example of this is transmission fluid that has a “lifetime guarantee”. While the transmission fluid will last quite a while, it won’t last forever. It is best to change it at the 80,000 mile mark.
A lot of people do not take their time to read through their vehicle’s manual when they have a problem. Go over this manual and mark the important pages that deal with information on maintaining your vehicle. Your manual contains everything you need to know about maintaining your vehicle and performing small repairs yourself.
Lots of people who take their cars to get repaired end up paying for much more work than initially believed. People do this a lot of the time to make people think that they’re getting a good deal. Let them know you will get back with them so that you can try to locate a better deal.
Bleed your brakes after there has been work on them. Make sure it is done before you take it on a test drive. After this step, pump the fluid of the brake. Look for leaks and make sure the fluid will not run out. You should then be ready for test driving on a road that lacks tons of traffic. Start your drive out at a slow pace and once everything is certain to be in working order, kick the speed up a notch or two.
Auto repairs at a dealership can be very pricey. Your dealer’s mechanics are usually specialists in your car’s model. The mechanics will know about issues that are common for the model you own. They also utilize regular auto repair training programs to keep their skills up to date.
When your mechanic provides a quote over two hundred dollars, you should obtain a written estimate. Written proof is helpful if you must file any complaints against your mechanic. Besides, the mechanic will be less likely to add unnecessary repairs to your bill if he already provided you with a written quote.
Keeping your car in proper running order is a necessary chore of life for most people. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to repair cars themselves, or even find a good mechanic. Use the information that has been giving you to help you have an easier time keeping your car running.