Common Metals Used In The Home

Products are made from many different materials. Custom metal fabrication Manitoba is responsible for making many things out of metal, which is a very sturdy and strong material to use. Let’s go over some of the most common things around the home that are fabricated with metal to give you an idea of just how common this material is when it comes to everyday items that we take for granted.


Lead gets a bad wrap when it comes to drinking pipes and other things. However, lots of things are made from lead which poses no harm to humans. Some examples of this are flashings and roof coverings. The main reason why this is used for roofing is because the metal is soft, but heavy metal. This allows it to be easily worked to be put into certain shapes. Since it is a heavy metal, it is resistant to rust which makes …

Common Types of Road Hazards

There are many things on the road today that can do damage to your car, whether they fall off and strike your vehicle or you roll over them. The problems that they cause can keep your automobile in the body shop for several days. Here are a few to try to avoid.


Whether it is kicked up off the road or falls from another vehicle, debris that hits your car can send you in for a windshield replacement st. charles mo or new paint job. Rocks, little pieces of trash, and other small objects bounce off the road and hit your car with enough velocity to chip the exterior or crack the glass. One way to avoid this is to put distance between you and any other vehicle that is carrying items that are loose. If something does hit you, call your insurance agent as soon as you can to see …