Recycling Does More Than Just Save the Planet: 3 Other Reasons to Recycle

Recycling is such a noble and important cause. It reduces emissions that are bad for the air and saves the planet and animals from toxic garbage. You have learned about those reasons to recycle starting when you were little in school, but you may not realize that there are a lot of other really good reasons to recycle. 

1. Get Paid to Recycle

Do you have one of those weird friends who holds onto all of his or her soda cans and turns them in for recycling? You may think it is weird, but your friend is onto something. You can get money for recycling. Especially scrap metal recycling Passaic County NJ as it is one of the most sought after materials. 

2. Saves Money

You may not realize but buying from a thrift store and repurposing is supporting recycling. Finding ways to repurpose items not only creates less garbage that is …