Wearing the maintenance of your car

Typically, much cheaper carry out daily car maintenance to forget about it until waver. Brake fluid, oil, timing belt … are elements with a specific useful life; replace them early can save us a lot of money.

Better safe: this maxim is valid for almost everything in this life and the car is part of our daily lives, so it is not exempt from meeting the saying. We all know that we must change the oil, the wheels … but other elements are not so obvious and yet, replace them is equally important.

The tips I’ll give below are general; the ideal is that you check the manual for your car or maintenance (also called service book), which will be specified plans and sometimes a “check list”with the points that we need to review and how often we do it.

The first thing to know is that some components of …

Buying a Used Car- How to Avoid Getting Scammed

The global market for used cars is worth billions of dollars. Countries have introduced various taxes and tariffs on the import of used cars from abroad because it affects the local market. Unfortunately, not all used cars are as good as they seem. It’s only logical for the seller to exaggerate claims about the car so they can sell it off as quickly as possible. Used cars don’t come with any guarantee or warranty. Even dealerships don’t provide any guarantee in case something goes wrong after the purchase; the best they offer is free maintenance and service for six months or a year.

Not everyone can afford a new car, and that’s understandable. However, buying a used car is a considerable risk. You wouldn’t know how the car has been maintained or driven in the past, and there’s no way to verify the seller’s claims. The car may have well-hidden …

SUV vs. Trucks: the Pros and Cons

In their basic characteristics and purposes SUV and truck vehicles are quite similar however, there are still some important differences to be understood. With no doubt, SUV features will be more appealing to those people who are potentially looking for a truck, and vice versa. But in this article we would like to pay attention to some other important factors to consider if you are wondering which car to buy for your next vehicle. Read below a brief comparison of the pros and cons of each vehicles type.


SUV Advantages

First of all we would like to give you an example of an SUV to clarify the type of vehicles you will be reading about. The easiest way is to check Ford Escape as a classic representative of the SUV type of cars. They are large and very powerful vehicles. According to the automotive experts, in general a full size …